南塔 ——プライベート モニュメント

South pagoda - Private Monument, 2022-10

Part A: H2000 × L1400 × W1200 mm

Part B: H1400 x L520 x W 460 mm

Iron,  wire,  paper, PVC

Photo by 赵子臻





In my hometown of Sichuan province, there is an ancient stone Buddhist pagoda atop a small hill called Nanshan, which is also a part of my daily commute scenery. During the devastating earthquake of 2008, the fifth floor of the pagoda collapsed.

Afterwards, the broken pagoda was quickly restored to its original state, along with the societal order. However, my complex emotions as a survivor have yet to find a place of solace even to this day.

With these indissoluble feelings, I created my own monument. It encompasses "reconstruction," "restoration," and "fictional creation," coexisting and diverging from the objective reality.